Reiki & Energy Healing

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice which originated in Japan in the early 20th century. Reiki (pronounced Ray Key). Rei is Japanese for spiritual or sacred. Ki is Japanese for energy, and translates as “spiritual energy”. In yoga we refer to this as prana or life force. At the core, Reiki is built on the belief that the body is innately able to heal itself.

Living modern life, chances are your prana is in need of a boost. When your life force is low, your body cannot function at full capacity. We can do all the right things, eat well, sleep well, move our bodies, yet still feel less than ideal.

Reiki provides the space to allow your mind, body, and spirit to release that stress and truly relax. Using a holistic approach to the body, the energy channeled through Reiki allows for self-balancing within the body to occur. Reiki supports our well-being and allows healing to occur naturally. 

My interest in Reiki began after my first treatment. I felt renewed, my prune filled in a way that I could not reach before. I have had the opportunity to learn from amazing Reiki Master practitioners to use Reiki in my everyday life. As I continue to learn more, I feel compelled to share this amazing practice.

To read more about Reiki, I encourage you to check out

Photo by Moodywalk on Unsplash


75 Minutes – $65

60 Minutes – $50

Your initial session will be 75 minutes. We can combine private yoga and Reiki. Please contact me to discuss packages and promos!



What to expect when you come in for a treatment.

As you enter the room, the lights will be dimmed, soft music will be playing in the background. You will find the treatment bed in the centre of the room, with pillows and blankets for your comfort. We will take the time at the beginning of your session to discuss where you are, where you would like to go in your life & discuss your health. Some people find it helpful to set an intention for the session.

You will feel like you stepped out of the outside world, into a caring, nurturing, healing environment. Where you can breathe, relax and just be.

When you are comfortable you will lie down, fully clothed and I will encourage you to relax, close your eyes and just be.

This is the amazing part, some people totally relax, others fall asleep. No matter what, it is all good and Reiki is doing what Reiki needs to do. Once complete, we will briefly discuss any sensations, thoughts, or feelings that arose during the treatment.

The results of these sessions are profound and can significantly shift the energy you are feeling in your body-mind. Those energy shifts create the space for your body to heal itself.